- Why wrestle?
- Types of wrestling
- Who can wrestle? (Folkstyle)
- How do we join and what are the costs? (Folkstyle)
- How long is the wrestling season?
- What can I expect?
- Freestyle/Greco
Why wrestle?
Wrestling is a unique sport. Wrestling focuses primarily on individual achievement while participating in a team environment. Because of the way wrestling matches are run, your child can and will develop more confidence and self-reliance than in any other sport typically associated with youths.
Most kids come into wrestling because they want to have fun. Their experience with the sport is usually from watching TV, the movies, or wrestling and roughhousing with their friends and siblings. Parents want to find a sport that will be fun for their child while helping to develop the child's physical and mental well-being as well as develop important social and people skills that will be so important through their lives. For the child that may be shy, too small, too big, or too slow for other typical youth sports wrestling may be the perfect sport.
Wrestling is a physically demanding sport and practices can be a physical and mental challenge for your child. To ease this challenge on your child the club's approach to the sport is to make it fun. We try to incorporate games into each practice so the time spent seems more like play time rather than the hard work it is. We provide constant positive feedback and encouragement parents to do the same.
Types of wrestling
Folkstyle season is our primary season and runs from October through January. Our Folkstyle competitions are run through Pierce County Junior Wrestling League. Most of the page applies to our Folkstyle season.
Freestyle/Greco are two different styles of wrestling. This season runs from the end of February until mid-May. We encourage our wrestlers to participate in Freestyle/Greco practices.
Who can wrestle? (Folkstyle)
The Bethel Allstars Junior Wrestling Club is open to boys and girls who are between the ages of 4 and 13 years. A wrestler's age is determined by his or her age on January 1st of a given year. No wrestler may turn 13 prior to January 1st. Those who are older may still practice with us, but must submit USA cards.
Within the Pierce County Jr. Wrestling League there are 2 age groups: 8 and under (8u) and 9 and over (9o). Within each age group there are weight classes.
How do we join and what are the costs? (Folkstyle)
Club membership is $175 for 2024-2025 Folkstyle season. A multiple child discount is offered. This covers the cost administrative/medical/cleaning supplies PCJWL tournament fees, and USA Limited Folkstyle membership card.
As with all sports there are miscellaneous costs associated with wrestling. Your wrestler will be asking for knee pads, sweats, wrestling T-shirts, singlets, wrestling shoes, and headgear. The only required materials are wrestling shoes, one singlet, and headgear, all other equipment can be purchased at your discretion. Please consult one of the coaches before purchasing any extra equipment.
How long is the wrestling season?
The Folkstyle season begins in October and ends in early January with the Rising Star Tournament. The Varsity & JV squads and runs through the end of January. If your child challenges for Varsity/JV, they must be available to participate until the end of January.
There is a Folkstyle state tournament in the middle of February. Folkstyle practices will continue on a limited schedule until the state tournament. All wrestlers are encouraged to continue practicing until the state tournament. Older wrestlers may practice with us to prepare for state. They must provide their USA card to step foot on the mat.
Freestyle/Greco season runs from the end of February until mid-May. All competitions are optional.
What can I expect? (Folkstyle)
Your child will attend beginner practices until he/she masters wrestling. If often takes several years at beginner practices before your child can advance to the advanced practices. Practices are 2 hours. Be sure to pack your child water and warm clothes to leave in.
The first tournaments are round robins. See: MY FIRST ROUND ROBIN - WHAT TO EXPECT
As the season progresses, the wrestlers will challenge for the Varsity and Junior Varsity positions on the team. Those that make Varsity and Junior Varsity will wrestle in additional tournaments. Those that do not make Varsity or Junior Varsity will still have tournaments to participate in.
We practice until the state tournament in February. This practice is optional, but the state tournament is a great tournament. There are also additional USA tournaments you can choose to participate in.
Freestyle/Greco Wrestling
Freestyle/Greco begins after the state tournament in February. Practice will run from the end of February until mid-May. Your child will need a full USA card to participate.
Freestyle/Greco tournaments are through USA wrestling. They are optional and run approximately $20 for one style or $35 for both styles. Our goal is to have a coach at these tournaments. However, sometimes this is not possible. Once a parent passes a background check, takes safe sport training and pays the fee, they can receive a coaches card (through USA wrestling).
For Freestyle/Greco tournaments, your child will need a red singlet and a blue singlet in addition to wrestling shoes. Headgear is often optional at these tournaments. However, Bethel Allstars recommends wearing headgear.